Missions & Ministry Partners

We seek to inspire and promote outward expressions of faith through service by the church, its organizations, and individual members.

We seek out ways to share the Gospel through service in our community through Christian outreach in cooperation with mission fellowships in the church, and in local, state, national, and world affiliations, including community service organizations.

Our church participates in many different local missions to serve those in Wilson, NC in sharing the Gospel and those in need.

Local Missions

Missions on the Move

This group consists of women in the church that meet monthly on the 2nd Tuesday in the Small Dining Room from 11:00 AM to fellowship and focus on monthly local mission projects. 

Some of there recent projects include providing school/teaching supplies to Winstead Elementary School and providing needed supplies for Choices Women’s Center.

CHEW Program

Children’s Hunger Elimination of Wilson

Our church partners with other churches in the area to support the CHEW program in Wilson County. 

We assist with packing food at 10:30am in the Senior Adult Area. We will be meeting on the following dates:

  • February 13, 20, 27
  • March 5
  • May 14, 21, 28
Senior Adult Council

This council meets on the 2nd Tuesday each month from 2:00-3:00 PM in the Senior Adult Area.

They meet to discuss upcoming senior adult ministry opportunities as well as senior adult events that occur within the church.

Prayer Shawl MINISTRY

This committee meets on Tuesdays at 10:00 AM in the Senior Adult Area for fellowship, prayer and knitting/crocheting.

We also meet “as needed” to bless shawls before giving them to a parishioner or person in need of a shawl. 

Annual Church Auction

A special church-wide event that occurs on the first Friday night each December.

All proceeds from this event are used to support the ministries of FBC.

In 2019, funds were allocated for Hope Station, Wesley Shelter, Salvation Army, Boy Scout Troop 8, CHEW, Baptist Children’s Home, Baptist Retirement Home, and the FBC Benevolence Fund.


AA meetings are held in the basement on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday weekly from 7:00 to 8:00 PM.

For more information, please contact Carl Coffield at 252-373-6229.

Supported Organizations

They include Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, Baptist State Convention, and South Roanoke Association. On the local level we budget funds annually to support organizations such as: