The music at First Baptist Church is rich in diversity, steeped in tradition, and covered in prayer.
We have many music worship opportunities.
Get Involved
If you are interested in participating in our music ministries then please contact Kelley Garris.

Adult Choir
The adult choir is open to anyone who loves to sing, 6th grade and up. The choir leads worship each week at the 11am worship service. The choir leads liturgy, hymnody, and enriches worship with a weekly anthem.
Rehearsals: Wednesday evenings in the Choir Room 6:30pm
Contact: Kelley Garris at

Kairos Worship Band
The Kairos Worship Band leads our contemporary worship service at 8:45am Sunday mornings in the Fellowship Hall. The band includes those that play guitar, bass guitar, violin, and drums in addition to our Kairos Worship singers.
Contact: Jay Wheeler at

Men’s Ensemble
This group performs periodically during the 11am service.
Rehearsals: Wednesday evenings in the Choir Room 8:00pm.
Contact: Kelley Garris at

Adult Handbell Choir
The Handbell Choir plays periodically during the 11am Sunday traditional service and during festival services. We currently have an opening for a new ringer! Music reading ability is helpful but not required.
Rehearsals: Sunday evenings in the Choir Room 5pm
Contact: Kelley Garris at

Preschool Choir/Children’s Choir
Our preschool choir is open to children from ages 3-5 and the children’s choir is open to elementary students. They both sing periodically during the 11am Sunday traditional service.
Rehearsals: Sunday evenings in the Choir Room 6pm
Contact: Kelley Garris at