
Sunday Mornings
8:45 AM Worship in the Fellowship Hall
A less formal, more modern worship service, where worship is led by our worship band. Some might call this service “contemporary” or “casual.”
9:45 AM Sunday School & Bible Study
We offer Sunday school classes and Bible Studies for all ages.
11:00 AM Worship in the Sanctuary
A more formal style of worship, where worship is led by a robed choir, our pipe organ, and robed clergy. Some might call this service “traditional” or “formal.”
11:00 AM Worship en Español
En nuestra Área de Adultos Mayores es nuestro servicio en español./ in our Senior Adult Area is our Spanish language service.
*Nursery care is available for all services.
Sunday Evenings
Sunday Evenings during the School Year
4:00 PM Instrumental Rehearsal for teen and adult players. Music Room. Intermediate level, plays in worship once a month at the tranditional service.
5:00 PM Adult Handbell Choir, Music Room. Plays in worship once a month at the traditional service.
5:00 PM Mission and Music (M&M’s) for ages 3 – grade 5. The children begin with mission education. A snack supper is served. Then they attend choir in the preschool area or music room, for Christian music education, singing and hands-on activities with instruments. The children sing in both services several times a year.
5:00 PM Youth Praise Band (Grades 6-12) Third Floor. Rehearses to lead worship at youth group meetings.
5:30 PM Youth Group Gathering (Grades 6-12) for supper, worship, and Bible study. Seasonal retreats, summer camps, fun outings, and mission activities are planned for students as well.